Wednesday, 14 December 2011

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Search for Jesse Mccartney Beautiful Soul | - Free MP3 Downloads, Music Search and Embed Codes for your Profile!

The first mention we have of the Persians is on a tablet recording the expedition of Shalmanesser III into a country called Parsua, in the mountains of Kurdistan around 837 BC. There, it seems that twenty-seven chieftain-kings ruled over twenty-seven states thinly populated by a people called Amadai, Madai, or Medes. They were Indo-European and had probably come from around the Caspian Sea into Western Asia about 1000 BC. The Zend-Avesta, the sacred scriptures of the Persains, idealized the racial memory of their ancient homeland and described it as a paradise. Not likely, since if it was so nice, why would they have ever left? In any case, scenes of our youth and the past are often wonderful and pleasant -- if we don't have to live in them again.
The Persians seem to have wandered south until they reached Persia. At Ecbatana "a meeting place of many ways", which is located in a picturesque valley made fertile by the melting snows of the highlands, Deioces (also their first recorded king) founded their first capital. It was dominated by his royal palace which covered an area of nearly a square mile. Royalty has always gone in for the grandiose and resplendant.
According to a passage in Herodotus, Deioces achieved power by acquiring a reputation for justice. Unfortunately, once he got the position, he turned into a despot. But, that's the way of politics: promise the moon, and then when you get what you want, do whatever you darn well please.
Deioces issued a decree, that "no man should be admitted to the King's presence, but everyone should consult him by means of messengers; moreover, that it should be accounted indecency for any one to laugh or spit before him. He established such ceremony about his person for this reason,...that he might appear to be a different nature to them who did not see him." So wrote Herodotus.
Under the leadership of Deioces, the Medes became a threat to the power of Assyria, so the Assyrians repeatedly invaded him. Each time, they imagined the Medes subdued, only to be surprised by their persistance in rebelling and fighting.
The greatest of the Median kings was one Cyaxares, and he finally demonstrated to the Assyrians their mistake in imagining the Medes were subdued: he invaded Assyria and destroyed its capital Ninevah. Thus, the Assyrian empire was ended.
Inspired by his victory, Cyaxares swept though western Asia to the very gates of Sardis, only to be turned back by an eclipse of the sun. Cyaxares was on the superstitious side. However, Cyaxares' enemies were equally superstious, and taking the eclipse as a warning from the sky, they quickly signed a peace treaty and sealed it by drinking one another's blood.
Cyaxares died the next year, having, during the course of his reign, expanded his kingdom from a subject province into an empire embracing Assyria, Media, and Persia. As is the nature of empires, his creation was unstable, and within a generation of his death, it had fallen apart. Thus, the tenure of this Median Empire was too brief to lead to much in the way of contribution to the civilization of the world, except in that it prepared or laid the ground work for the culture of Persia.
To Persia, the Medes did give something: their Aryan language, their alphabet of thirty-six characters, their replacement of clay with parchment and the use of a pen as a writing tool; the Medes also gave the Persians the use of the column in architecture, their Zoroastrian religion of Ahura-Mazda (which had nothing at all to do with later Japanese auto manufacturers), and Ahriman. They also gave them their patriarchal family structure and polygamous marriages.
In any case, the degeneration of the Medes proceded much more quickly than their rise. Astyages, the successor of Cyaxares, proved once again that monarchy is a crapshoot (cf. Ecclesiastes 2:18-19: "I hated all the things I had toiled for under the sun, because I must leave them to the one who comes after me, and who knows whether he will be a wise man or a fool?"). Astyages inherited the kingdom cheerfully, and settled down to enjoy it. His behavior, and that of his countrymen, was not unlike so often happens to those who gain riches to quickly and too easily. The stern and stoic philosophy of their forebears was forgotten; the upper classes became slaves of fashion and luxury; the men wore embroidered pants, the women covered themselves with cosmetics and jewlry, and even the horses were decked with gold. A formerly pastoral people, who had been glad to be borne by crude wagons, now rode in expensive chariots from party to party.
While the early kings of the Medes had prided themselves on justice, Astyages was of another mind. Being displeased with an individual by the name of Harpagus (so the story goes), Astyages served up the dismemebered and headless body of his own son and forced him to eat it. Harpagus ate, commenting that whatever the king did was agreeable to him.
Unsurprisingly, Harpagus harbored a bit of a grudge and was instrumental in helping Cyrus later depose Astyages. In fact, when Cyrus, who had come from the Median dependancy of Ansham, in Persia, rebelled against Astyages (c. 549 BC), the Medes welcomed Cyrus' victory and accepted him, almost without protest, as their new king.
Thus, in a single engagement, Media ceased to be the master of Persia, and Persia became the master of Media; soon, it would become the master of the entire Near Eastern world, as well.
An alliance was formed against Cyrus by Croesus, the king of Lydia (which is in Asia minor. Croesus is significant, if for no other reason than the fact that he is credited with the invention of coinage), Nabonidus of Babylon, and Amasis, the Pharoah of Egypt (569-525 BC). So, in 546 Cyrus attacked the forces of Croesus and defeated him, thus gaining control of the whole of Asia Minor (modern day Turkey). His next thrust was at Babylon itself, and the Cyrus Cylinder records the way he believed (or at least this is what he told the Babylonians) that Marduk, the patron deity of Babylon, assisted his subsequent victory: his city Babylon he caused [Cyrus] to go, he made him take the road to Babylon, going as a friend and companion at his side...without battle and conflict he permitted him to enter Babylon. He spared his city Babylon a calamity....
Cyrus is said to have diverted the course of the Euphrates River during his assault of Babylon. Since the river passed under the city walls and through the city, when the water was diverted, his army was able to enter the city easily by simply walking along the now dry riverbed. Thus, Babylon fell to Cyrus about 538 BC.
With the conquest of Babylon, Cyrus became the ruler of the largest empire the world had known till that time. During the reign of his jerk of a son, the influence of Persia would extend all the way to Egypt as well.
Under Cyrus, the fall of Babylon was an answer to prayer and prophecy. It would signal the beginning of their restoration to the promissed land.
The first principle of Cyrus' policy was that the various people of his empire should be left free in their religious worshi and beliefs. Cyrus was one of the first rulers to recognize a basic principle of statesmanship: religion is stronger than the state.
Instead of sacking cities and wrecking temples, he showed a courteous respect for the deities of the conquered and contributed to the maintance of their shrines. This is seen in the wording of his decree to the Jewish people in permitting them to return to their land. His positive statements about Yahweh and the Jews, should thus be taken in the context of his attitude toward other deities, rather than being taken as proof that he had become a convert to Judaism.
Cyrus died of ambition. He was killed in a battle with Massagetae, an obscure tribe that peopled the southern shores of the Caspian Sea. His son, the jerk, was called Cambyses. He was half crazy. He took the throne upon his father's untimely demise, and immediately put to death his own brother and potential rival, Smerdis. Attracted to the wealth of Egypt like a moth to a flame, he captured Memphis easily enough, but an army of fifty thousand Persians sent to anex the Oasis of Amon was lost in the desert without a trace. An expedition to Carthage failed because the Phoenician crews that manned the Persian fleet refused to attack a Phoenician city. Duh!
Next, Cambyses publically scoffed at the Egyptian religion, plunged a dagger into the bull revered by the Egyptians as the god Apis, exhumed mummies, and pried into royal tombs, heedless of ancient curses. He profaned temples and ordered idols burned. He thought that by doing these things he would succeed in freeing the Egyptians of their superstitions. Unfortunately, he was stricken ill -- apparently epileptic seizures -- and the Egyptians became convinced that it was the gods themselves punishing him.
To demonstrate beyond question his questionable grip on reality, Cambyses killed his wife (and sister) Roxana with a kick in the stomach. He dispatched his son Prexaspes with an arrow. Twelve Persians of noble birth he burried alive. And then he condemned Croesus, king of Lydia, to death. A little while later, he changed his mind, and rejoiced at the news that the execution had not yet been carried out. To celebrate, he punished the officers who had delayed in executing the Lydian king.
On his way back to Persia from Egypt, he learned that an usurper had taken the throne, supported by a massive revolution. Nothing more is heard of Cambyses, though the rumor is, he committed suicide. In any case, everyone was just glad he was gone.
The usurper had pretended to be Cambyses, though in reality he was a religious fanatic bent on destroying Zoroastrianism, the official religion of Persia. This idea did not go over well, and so another revolution soon got rid of him. The seven aristocrats who had organized this rebellion raised one of their own to the throne. His name was Darius, he was the son of Hystaspes. It should be noted that this is not the Darius mentioned in the book of Daniel.
Darius' succession to the throne was marked by uprisings in the various subject regions, as is always the case when an empire shifts hands. Thus, the governors of Egypt and Lydia refused submission, and the provinces of Susiana, Babylonia, Media, Assyria, Armenia, Sacia, and others rose in simultaneous revolt.
Darius, needless to say, suddenly had his hands full. Amazingly, he managed to prevail.
Taking Babylon after a long seize he crucified three thousand of its leading citizens as an inducement to the rest that obedience was a wise choice. In a series of swift campaigns, he pacified one rebellious region after another.
With the empire whole again, and this lesson firmly in mind, that vast empires in crisis could quickly fall to pieces, he put asside the battle gear and became one of the wisest administrators in history, seeking a way to bind the empire together so that it would not so easily fall apart in the future. What he did became a model of imperial organization. The result was a generation of peace, order and prosperity that western asia had never known before.
Still, all was not conflict free. The Scythians kept invading distant regions of his empire from the north, necessitating action on his part. So he marched his army into southern Russia, across the Bosphorus and the Danube, all the way to the Volga. He marched across Afganistan and into Indus Valley. Thus, he added millions of people and vast wealth to his empire.
Greece. Herodotus, the Greek historian, would have us believe that Darius entered upon his war with Greece -- what ended up being his greatest mistake -- because one of his wives, Atossa, teased him into it while they were in bed. It seemse more likely that he simply saw the Greek city states and their colonies as a potential danger to him, should they ever manage to unite. Thus, when Ionia revoltd and received aid from Sparta and Athens, Darius went to war.
Darius was defeated at the battle of Marathon and returned gloomily to Persia. There, amidst preparations for a second war against Greece, he suddenly weakened and died.
Languages of Persia. Many languages have been used in the long history of Persia. The speech of the court and nobility in the days of Darius I was Old Persian, a tongue so closely related to Sanskrit that evidently they are both dialects of some language older still.
Old Persian developed on the one hand into Zend, the language of the Zend-Avesta and on the other hand into Pahlavi -- a Hindu language from which has come the Persian language of today, Farsi (spoken in modern Iran).
When the Persians took to writing, they adopted the Babylonian cuneiform for their monumental inscriptions and the Aramaic alphabet for their other documents.
They proceeded to symplify the unwieldy syllabary of the Babylonians from six hundred plus characters down to thirty-six signs which gradually became letters instead of syllables, thus becoming a cuneiform alphabet.
We are able to read Babylonian and the earlier Sumerian today because of the Persians. Had they not used Babylonian cuneiform to write their inscriptions, together with the same inscription in Aramaic script, we would never have been able to decipher the older writings.
English is related to the Persian and Sanskrit languages, as the following chart can illustrate

Monday, 12 December 2011

Godzilla' Fossils Reveal Real-Life Sea Monster

Godzilla' Fossils Reveal Real-Life Sea Monster

monster leaping from ocean
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Fossils from a real-life sea monster a massive crocodile-like species have been unearthed in Patagonia, Argentina. The animal likely measured 13 feet (4 meters) long from nose to tail.

The researchers who made the discovery say the marine reptile, nicknamed Godzilla, lived about 135 million years ago. They describe their find in the November 11, 2005, issue of the journal Science.

Details about the ancient predator will also appear in the December 2005 issue ofNational Geographic magazine. The article will feature exclusive images, like this illustration, of what the reptile might have looked like. 
King Baboon TarantulaThe King Baboon Tarantula is one of the most prized tarantulas in the hobby. These impressive tarantulas are rusty red to bright brown and reach a massive body size! The photo to the left shows an adult female next to a US 25 cent piece. Although the King Baboon Tarantula has many good features, it is an extremely aggressive species, and should be owned by experienced keepers only. These tarantulas will stand up on their hind legs in a defensive position, and even make a hissing noise at the first sign of danger, which can be almost anything to them such as fingers, a pair of tongs, etc. King Baboon Tarantulas have been known to stay in their burrows for months at a time, therefore they don't make the best display tarantulas. In the wild, they are found in deep burrows at the base of acadia bushes. The venom from King Baboon Tarantulas are said to be more toxic than most other tarantulas, which makes it more qualified to be kept by experienced hobbyists, and not beginners. Besides that, the King Baboon Tarantula makes a great tarantula for the serious collector!

Haiwan-Haiwan yang semakin pupus di Malaysia









Search misi ke planet marswww misi nasamisi marsPLANET LUAR ANGKASAplanet penelitianmisi nasajangka waktu ke planet marsastronot marsmisi planet marsmisi ke mars  

NASA merencanakan misi yang sangat berani yaitu mengirim sebuah pesawat ruang angkasa berawak dalam perjalanan “pergi tanpa pulang” (one-way trip – perjalanan satu arah) dan menetap secara permanen di planet-planet lain. Gagasan ambisius ini dikenal dengan nama Hundred Years Starship dan akan mengirim para astronot untuk menjajah planet luar angkasa seperti planet Mars dan perlu kita ketahui bahwa mereka tidak akan pernah bisa pulang.

Hidup Selamanya Di Mars Adalah Impian NASA

Direktur NASA Ames, Pete Worden, mengungkapkan bahwa salah satu pusat penelitian NASA, Ames Research Centre, telah menerima dana 1 Juta Pounsterling untuk mulai bekerja pada proyek tersebut. Tim peneliti juga menerima tambahan dana sebesar $ 100.000 dari NASA. Worden dalam percakapan panjang di sebuah acara di San Fransisco mengatakan, “Kami juga berharap untuk membujuk beberapa milyarder untuk membentuk sebuah yayasan Hundred Years Starship.” Kata Worden. “Program antariksa manusia sekarang benar-benar bertujuan untuk menetap di dunia lain,” dia menambahkan.

Hidup Selamanya Di Mars Adalah Impian NASA

Worden mengatakan ia telah membahas harga potensial untuk perjalanan satu arah ke Mars dengan salah satu pendiri Google, Larry Page, bahwa misi tersebut dapat dilakukan dengan dana sebesar $ 10 miliar.“Jawaban dia (Larry) adalah, ‘Bisakah diturunkan menjadi $ 1 atau $ 2milliar?” jadi sekarang kami mulai mendapat sedikit argumen di atas harga,” lanjut Worden.

Hidup Selamanya Di Mars Adalah Impian NASA

Worden juga menyatakan, teknologi baru seperti biologi sintetis dan perubahan genom manusia bisa dieksplorasi di depan misi. Dalam misi tersebut, astronot pertama-tama akan mengunjungi bulan Mars, dimana para ilmuwan dapat melakukan eksplorasi telerobotika secara ekstensif. Dia juga menyatakan bahwa manusia akan menghuni bulan-bulan Mars tahun 2030 nanti.

Hidup Selamanya Di Mars Adalah Impian NASA

Kabarnya, penelitian baru menemukan bahwa misi perjalanan manusia satu arah atau perjalanan pergi tanpa pulang ke Mars secara teknologi layak dan akan menjadi pilihan yang lebih murah daripada membawa astronot kembali ke bumi. Seperti yang dimuat dalam Journal of Cosmology, ilmuwan Dirk Schulze-Makuch dan Paul Davies, mengatakan mereka akan mengirim empat astronot sukarelawan pada misi pertama yang secara permanen menjajah Mars.

Hidup Selamanya Di Mars Adalah Impian NASA

Namun dalam misi ini, perjalanan manusia satu arah ke Mars tidak akan dilakukan dalam jangka waktu yang telah ditetapkan seperti dalam program Apollo, tetapi langkah pertama dalam membangun kehadiran manusia menetap di planet tersebut.Para astronot akan dikirimkan bahan-bahan yang diperlukan dari Bumi secara teratur tetapi mereka diharapkan bisa hidup mandiri di permukaan planet merah itu sesegera mungkin.

Namun demikian, untuk mencapai hal itu akan memerlukan tidak hanya kerja sama internasional, tapi kembali pada semangat eksplorasi dan etos pengambilan resiko, seperti yang dilakukan oleh Columbus sampai Amundsen.Mereka mengakui bahwa misi itu akan dilakukan dengan ‘pertimbangan etis’, dengan persepsi masyarakat umum yang menyatakan bahwa para pionir Mars tersebut dikorbankan dan nasib mereka ditinggalkan.

Tapi mereka berpendapat, penduduk pertama planet Mars akan pergi dengan penuh semangat, sama halnya dengan orang kulit putih pertama yang bermukim di Amerika Utara – bepergian ke negeri yang jauh meski tahu mereka tidak akan pernah kembali ke rumah. Membandingkan dengan beberapa perintis kenamaan, mereka berkata: “Penjelajah seperti Columbus, Frobisher, Scott dan Amundsen, walaupun mereka tidak memulai perjalanan dengan maksud tinggal di tempat tujuan, namun mereka mengambil risiko pribadi yang besar untuk mengeksplorasi lahan baru, yang kita tahu bahwa ada kemungkinan yang signifikan mereka akan binasa dalam usaha ini.”

Binatang-binatang yang "immortal"!!!

Manusia sejak dulu selalu bermimpi dan mencari cara agar bisa awet muda bahkan hidup selamanya. Tahukah kalian jika di alam ini sebenarnya ada beberapa makhluk yang secara alami bisa dikategorikan sebagai makhluk yang tidak bisa mati??

Ini dia beberapa diantaranya:

1. Tardigrade
Mereka adalah makhluk mikroskopik yang hidup di dalam air dan memiliki kemampuan survival yang luar biasa. Mereka diketahui bisa selamat dari ledakan nuklir dan bisa terus hidup dalam kondisi yang sangat ekstrim. Mereka bisa hidup dalam keadaan dehidrasi selama puluhan tahun dan bisa menahan tekanan atmosfir di laut yang paling dalam sekalipun. Makhluk ini bahkan tetap hidup setelah 10 hari lebih berada di luar angkasa tanpa perlindungan apapun dari radiasi dan tanpa air dan makanan.sweat.gif

2. Tree Weta
Makhluk endemik Australia dan Selandia Baru ini merupakan salah satu serangga terbesar di dunia. Diketahui telah muncul sejak 190 juta tahun yang lalu, makhluk ini memiliki kemampuan untuk bertahan hidup dalam lingkungan yang ekstrim. Karena memiliki protein khusus di dalam darahnya, Weta tidak bisa mati meskipun dalam keadaan beku sekalipun. Setelah iklim kembali normal, Weta akan kembali hidup seakan-akan baru terbangun dari tidurnya. Sir Walter Buller, seorang naturalis yang membutuhkan Weta dalam keadaan mati untuk koleksinya sempat kebingungan mencari cara untuk membunuh makhluk ini, karena tetap hidup setelah ditenggelamkan selama 4 hari dan dimasukkan ke dalam air mendidih.

3. Turritopsis nutricula
Dikenal dengan julukan Immortal jellyfish, makhluk ini benar-benar bisa dikategorikan makhluk yang hidup abadi. Bagaimana tidak, sama sekali tidak ada siklus tua dan mati dalam siklus hidupnya!!!funk.gif
Ubur-ubur yang telah dewasa tidak akan pernah menjadi tua, melainkan akan berubah kembali menjadi wujud polip (bayi ubur-ubur), dan siklus hidupnya pun berulang terus menerus. Makhluk inilah yang telah mendorong rasa ingin tahu para ilmuwan untuk melakukan penelitian stem cell untuk keperluan medis.

7 Binatang yang Hidup Ratusan Tahun

1. Geoducks
Pertama pada daftar adalah kerang laut besar yang berasal dari Puget Sound dan telah hidup selama setidaknya 160 tahun. Mereka dicirikan oleh panjang leher mereka atau sifon, yang panjang nya dapat mencapai lebih dari satu meter .

2. Tuataras
Kata "dinosaurus" umumnya digunakan untuk menggambarkan binatang tua, tetapi ketika mengacu pada Tuatara, istilah ini benar adanya seperti itu adalah metafora. Spesies Tuatara merupakan satu-satunya anggota hidup dari sekitar 200 juta tahun yang lalu dimana dinosaurus hidup. Mereka juga berada di antara vertebrata yang paling lama tinggal di Bumi, dengan beberapa orang yang tinggal selama bertahun-tahun di mana saja antara 100 dan 200.

3. Lamellibrachia Tube Worms
Mahluk laut warna-warni ini adalah tubeworms (L. luymesi) yang tinggal di sepanjang ventilasi dari hidrokarbon di dasar laut. Mereka telah dikenal untuk hidup 170 tahun, tetapi banyak ilmuwan yakin mungkin ada beberapa yang telah tinggal selama lebih dari 250 tahun.

4. Red Sea Urchins
Landak laut merah, Strongylocentrotus franciscanus dan hanya ditemukan di Pasifik, terutama di sepanjang pantai barat Amerika Utara. Tinggal di air dangkal, kadang berbatu, dari garis air surut sampai sembilan puluh kaki, tetapi tetap berada di luar daerah sangat bergelombang. Merangkak di sepanjang dasar laut menggunakan duri mereka sebagai panggung. Beberapa spesimen lebih dari 200 tahun.

5. Koi
Koi adalah ikan hias hias, ikan mas peliharaan. Mereka yang umum terdapat di kolam batu buatan dan kolam hias. Anehnya, beberapa varietas mampu hidup lebih dari 200 tahun. Paling awal dikenal adalah Hanako koi, ikan yang meninggal pada usia 226 pada tanggal 7 Juli 1977.

6. Tortoises
Kura-kura dianggap sebagai vertebrata dengan jangka hidup terpanjang di bumi. Salah satu yang tertua adalah Harriet, seorang kura Galapagos, yang meninggal karena gagal jantung pada usia 175 tahun pada bulan Juni 2006 di kebun binatang milik Steve Irwin. Harriet dianggap sebagai salah satu dari yg terakhir dari epik perjalanan hidup Darwin di HMS Beagle. Sebuah kura-kura raksasa Aldabra bernama Adwaita meninggal pada usia 250 pada Maret 2006.

7. Ocean Quahog
Ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) adalah spesies kerang yang dimanfaatkan secara komersial. Para peneliti telah ditafsirkan lingkaran konsentris gelap atau band pada kulit sebagai tanda tahunan, seperti sebuah pohon memiliki cincin. Beberapa spesimen dikumpulkan telah diperkirakan bahwa lebih dari 400 tahun.
Pernahkah anda melihat cicak basilisk? Cicak basilisk ialah sejenis spesies cicakyang boleh berlari di atas air. Ini gambarnya:

Video cicak berlari di atas air:

Mengapa cicak ini boleh berlari di atas air? Ini disebabkan struktur kakinya yang dicipta untuk itu. Struktur kaki yang menyokong pergerakkannya di atas air merangkumi selaput pada jari kaki (seperti yang terdapat pada itik) dan panjang kakinya. Tidak lupa kekuatan kakinya juga turut memainkan peranan. Selaput kaki akan mengembang semasa cicak basilisk memukul permukaan air. Perbuatan ini sama seperti pendayung sampan. Ekornya yang panjangmembantu mengimbangkan tubuhnya semasa berlari di atas air.

Satu persoalan yang timbul ialah mengapa cicak ini berlari dengan begitu laju sekali seperti berkejaran untuk ke tandas pula nampaknya? Ya, sudah tentulah untuk mengelakkan dirinya dari tenggelam ke dalam air. Cicak basilisk‘telah mengambil kesempatan’ dalam setiap saat yang ada bagi mengapungkannya di atas air. Sama seperti manusia yang memanfaatkan setiap saat yang ada bagi membolehkannya terus dapat mengimbangkan badanketika menunggang basikal. Kalau berhenti sudah tentu dia akan terjatuh.

Pergerakan cicak basilisk boleh diumpamakan seperti kehidupan kita. Lalai walau sesaat, maka musuh akan mengambil kesempatan ke atas kelemahan kita. Setiap saat kita yang dibazirkan dengan perkara-perkara yang tidak berfaedah, maka setiap saat itu juga mereka sedang memanfaatkan sehabis mungkin bagimeningkatkan kekuatan mereka dan ‘menenggelamkan’ kita.

Jika sesaat yang dibazirkan oleh cicak basilisk, maka dia akan tenggelam dalam kepungan musuh (air).

Maka jadilah seperti cicak basilisk, menggunakan segala kebolehan fizikal dan kebijaksanaan mental , memanipulasikan ‘musuhnya’ air pada setiap saat yang ada supaya peranan asalnya yang menenggelamkan jadi mengapungkan.

Supaya peranan asal yang menenggelamkan jadi mengapungkan,

Supaya peranan musuh yang menentang akhirnya menjadi pengikut,

Supaya peranan musuh yang menentang Islam akhirnya menjadi penolong Islam seperti orang kafir Quraisy yang memeluk Islam pada hari pembukaan Makkah.

Jadi seperti cicak, bukannya menjadi cicak! 

Dahulu, Al-Fatih memanfaatkan sebaik mungkin masa satu malam yang ada dengan memindahkan 73 buah kapal perang mengikut jalan darat kerana terhalang dari melintasi Perairan Tanjung Emas. Kalaulah Al-Fatih tidak menghargai masa sesingkat itu…

Maka hargailah masa.

“Demi masa…”
